
21 Years experience I do it all !

Best Practices To Avoid Infection

Over many years of virus and ad ware removal I have seen the most common sources of infection are (1) Porn sites (2) MySpace and other social networking sites . Teenagers are attracted to sites that have high risk. More than half my virus removals are on PC's were a teenager/young adult infected it. Aside from avoiding the websites mentioned you can use Mozilla Firefox, Chrome or Opera as your web browser, this decrease your probability of being infected. If you have young people in the house or want to visit high risk websites; doing your browsing from a Mac, I pad  or Linux PC will dramatically reduce your risk of infection. Linux is another operating system that runs on PC hardware it is similar to windows and has programs that can do all or most of what people need to do. Ubuntu Linux is free download and I am familiar with it's installation. Call me to install it for you. If you have multiple PC's at your house installing Linux on one of them for web browsing is recommended.

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